Japanese (日本語) [PDF – 292.63 KB]
Under the initiative of the Japan Lausanne Committee (JLC), The Lausanne Movement in Japan is driven by a broad base of Christians who embrace the spirit of the movement, and are engaged in integral mission* activities wherever they are. As a Japanese group under the auspices of The Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE), JLC affirms The Lausanne Covenant and seeks to carry out the Lausanne mandate in the Japanese context in partnership with JLC supporters.
We are an inclusive group that stands within the evangelical tradition, affirming the missio dei and intentional about participating in the work that God is doing in the world.
* For a definition of integral mission, see The Micah Declaration on Integral Mission as quoted in Part I, paragraph 10. C of the Cape Town Commitment.
To encourage and facilitate the involvement of churches, denominations, ministries, and individuals in the missional calling of the church in a heartfelt and earnest manner.
JLC will seek to carry out its mission by building bridges of understanding and co-operation among Christian leaders in Japan, and so contribute to mobilizing the whole church to live out the whole gospel to the whole world in response to the missional calling to the church.
We will work to provide a place for theological discussion and the development of practical strategies that address important issues relevant to the missional responsibility of the church.
While operating in the Japanese context, we believe we can make unique contributions to The Lausanne Movement as a whole, and endeavor to maintain a global perspective.
We affirm a wholistic understanding of the gospel which includes proclamation, the prophetic voice, personal redemption, reconciliation and social responsibility in matters related to human dignity and justice.
We are committed to fostering unity across cultural and theological diversity as we pursue our common task of promoting and participating in the missional calling of the church. This is done believing that one must always think both in terms of theology and missional strategy, letting the two realms inform each another.
- Keep the Japanese church abreast of global developments in missional work.
- Foster co-operation and partnerships in the missional work of the church.
- Promote conversation and facilitate active response to important areas of concern in the missional task of the church.
- Provide venues in which missional issues facing the church in Japan and the global faith community can be explored.
- Develop resources that will inform and strengthen our understanding of the missional task for both the Japanese and the global community.
- Encourage persistent prayer for and involvement in kingdom work both locally and globally.
- Identify young leaders committed to the missional calling of the church.
As the official website of JLC, the Lausanne Japan website at www.lausanne-japan.org is your one-stop resource center in the Japanese language about The Lausanne Movement in Japan. The website allows you to:
- Check the latest news and event information;
- Learn the history of The Lausanne Movement in the world and in Japan;
- Read The Lausanne Covenant and The Cape Town Commitment in Japanese;
- Download the reports on Cape Town 2010: The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (CT2010);
- Join the discussions on numerous themes presented during CT2010;
- Obtain a list of the links of churches, mission organizations, and schools that are supportive of The Lausanne Movement; and
- Become a JLC supporter.
JLC also has its own official Facebook Fan Page and Twitter account, to promote information dissemination and spontaneous dialogues. Please see the top page of the JLC website for details.
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