What is Sustainable?

The preceding  century has seen a rise of more products, more people, more energy, more debt, more work, and more expectations.

Sustainability efforts aim to steward God’s creation in its fullness.

Creation Care

Global debt as a percentage of global GDP has moved up from roughly 100 percent in 1970 to well over 350 percent in 2020 – and the rate of increase is accelerating.

Global Debt Ratios

Global access to health is uneven across the world, with the global west having the most.

Global Health

Mental Health conditions are a universal need with a total of 970 million, or one in eight, global individuals living with a mental health condition.

Mental Health

Global debt as a percentage of global GDP has moved up from roughly 100 percent in 1970 to well over 250 percent today.

Rising Debt Burdens


The planetary boundaries within which God designed life to flourish are under threat, leading to existential threats to human society and life on earth.

Creation Care


Even in the most developed countries, such as the United States, it is hardly affordable for many to receive high-quality healthcare.

Global Health


One of the greatest challenges facing the church is to address the needs of people everywhere regarding health and wholeness (shalom).

Mental Health


Christian witness in society is evident when there is kingdom impact in every sphere of society.

Societal Influence of Christianity


Key Information Rising Debt Burdens Creation Care Global Health Mental Health Societal Influence of Christianity

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