What is a Digital Life?

For most of the world, with notable exceptions, the internet, screens, social media, virtual work, shape large portions of life, leading to the question, ‘What  is a digital life?’

The Americas, Europe, East Asia, and the Middle East are the most connected regions.

Digital Connectivity

Since 2010, the total amount of captured and accessible data has rapidly increased with an estimated 60 zettabyes in 2020.

Information Overload

The development of Web 3 is a fundamental shift in technology and ideology towards decentralization, shifting power to the individual.


With only a small number of companies owning the most used platforms, the global reach and influence of these platforms is unprecedented.

Global Social Media

With global individuals spending an estimated average of 2 hours and 20 minutes on social media per day, the purpose of this time is critical to examine.

Social Media

We are all involved in some form of digital communities, whether we are aware or not.

Digital Communities


Many companies today are re-imagining business models and processes to keep pace with an ever-changing geo-political landscape.

Virtual Work


Known as the third generation of the web, Web3 describes the evolution of the internet.

Decentralization and Web3


Key Information Digital Communities Virtual Work Decentralization and Web3

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