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Key Concerns

Take a look at some of the key concern areas that we seek to address.

Approximately half of all children are at risk due to abandonment, abuse, poverty, trafficking and child labour.

1 in 5 children experience extreme poverty which makes them more vulnerable to complex risk factors.

Almost 5,700 children become orphans every day due to war, natural disasters, poverty and disease.

Globally there are 5.5 million children trafficked into slavery, forced marriage, prostitution, begging and armed recruitment.

Families are in crisis like never before, which directly impacts the stability of children to fulfill their God-given potential.

Annually 1 billion children between ages 2-17 experience physical, sexual, emotional violence or neglect.

As a result of these risk issues, children are dealing with growing trauma and mental health issues.

Core Ambition

How can the global church alleviate the suffering of children-at-risk, raising them to be unique, gifted co-labourers in mission?

We want to see children protected from risk factors that prevents them from pursuing and fulfilling their God-given potential.

‘Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.’ 

Proverbs 31:8

Consider the risks facing children in your community and take a moment to pray for their protection, for your response and for the church’s action.

So what can we do?

Take children seriously as multi-faceted human beings created in God’s image who can know, love and serve Jesus.


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Take up the challenge to expose, resist and take action against all abuse of children, providing safe-guarding and child-protection.


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Offer family-based care to strengthen the family unit and healthy communities so children can thrive.



Partner with families, influencers, Christian communities, networks, seminaries so the church can care for the most vulnerable.


We can realise the vision of seeing children everywhere walking with Jesus. We are better together!

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Meet Our  Catalysts

Michelle Tolentino

Phil Green

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Children-at-Risk as Co-Agents of Mission

“Each child in our broken and messy world is a multi-faceted human being, created in God’s image.”