Praying for the world | Week 53

Church and Mission in a Pandemic


Church and Mission in a Pandemic

Pray for the global Church to rise to the occasion, loving one another and loving our neighbours in ways that glorify Christ and lead people to him.

Pray for those on the front-line in the fight: health care workers, scientists, politicians, and policy makers. Pray for wise Christians to be at the heart of these efforts.

Pray for God to intervene in the ways that only God can - ways that declare his glory and draw people to worship him.


Beyond Sickness

Pray for those in extreme poverty because of the coronavirus. God, save them and sustain their lives! Pray they will receive food assistance and regain the opportunity to earn a living.

Pray for the broken-hearted, the anxious, the depressed, the suicidal. May the God of all comfort bring hope and light. Pray that Christians would reach out with compassion, kindness, and skill.

Pray that the last, the least, and the lost would not be forgotten in this time of crisis! The unevangelized are still in need of the gospel. A virus does not change the truth that Jesus is the only way to the Father (John 14:6).

Pray for innovation and renewed passion for mission in the global body of Christ. May we see new mission movements emerge, creative approaches to the use of technology for church and mission, and unprecedented partnership between local church and global mission.

Praying for the World, a free weekly prayer guide to inspire and inform the whole church to pray for the whole world.