Proclamation Evangelism

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Key Concerns

Take a look at some of the key concern areas that we seek to address.

28% of all people have not yet heard the name of Jesus.

The church is often distracted by spiritual replacement—where evangelism is replaced by other spiritual emphases.

There is also often a lack of compassion for the lost around us.

Many believers do not have confidence in the proclaimed gospel to transform lives.

Others feel inadequately equipped or are inadequately discipled to be verbal witnesses to the gospel.

There is also backlash to past evangelistic models without a commitment to contend for and contextualise proclamation evangelism for today.

How can we support the work of the evangelist and elevate evangelism globally?

Core Ambition

We want to see the global church joyfully and creatively proclaiming the good news to all peoples.

‘How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?’

Romans 10:14

Take a moment to pray for your local church—to keep its heart focused on the work of evangelism, and for God to raise the next generation of evangelists around the world.

So what can we do?

Join with churches and Christian leaders in your area to pray for a renewed global commitment to actively proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.


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Facilitate the call, training, mobilisation and encouragement of local evangelists in your sphere of influence.


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Share best practices that help global Christians contend for and contextualise the gospel.


Commit to catalytic collaboration of evangelists in various spheres, including marketplace evangelists, pastor evangelists, mass evangelists, church planters, friendship evangelists, missionary evangelists, artist evangelists, and media evangelists.


We can realise the vision of seeing the gospel of Jesus Christ being proclaimed to all peoples. We are better together!

Join us

Meet Our  Catalysts

Desmond Henry

Michael Ots

Emmanuel Kwizera

Let's connect and collaborate.

We would love to hear from you.

Proclamation Evangelism in a Digital Age

"These exponential advancements of the digital age present an unprecedented opportunity for the proclamation of the good news."