
Issue Group 15: The Two-Thirds World Church

Consider the growth of the church in Latin America, Africa and Asia and identify reasons for growth and causes of blockages in evangelism in these continents.

The expected outcomes of the work done on this issue were:

Identify structural arrangements which could help the churches in the African, Asian and Latin American continents

(a) strengthen their outreach particularly among those of non-Christian heritage and among those whose Christian heritage lacks a commitment to Jesus’ statement that he is the only way to the Father, and

(b) consolidate biblical teaching so that the Christians will really know how to live for Jesus.


David Ruiz, Guatemala
Executive Director GCR and CEO Comibam

Reuben Ezemadu, Nigeria
International Director, Christian Missionary Foundation, Inc.

J. Ismael Ramirez, Guatemala
Seminario Teológico Centroamericano (SETECA)

Read the Lausanne Occasional Paper (LOP) produced by this Issue Group:

LOP 44: The Two-Thirds World Church (.pdf format; 396 KB)